Card Reading for the Summer Solstice Celebration, Ep.120

Season #5 Episode #120

We are celebrating the Summer Solstice with a Card Reading! We are manifesting a glorious summer season and beyond and engaging with the healing power of the sun! Manifest peace, connection, and love abundant!  Our question: What is my next fun step?!! 


Tune in to find our answer! Join me for a card reading from “The Wild Unknown Archetypes Deck & Guidebook” by Kim Krans. I love these cards because they are archetypes that have inherent meaning transcending space, time, and culture.  We also use the cards to make personal meaning, as the card shows up at the opportune time!

I share the meaning of the drawn card, invite you to make meaning in your life, and offer my thoughts on how the card can give us a powerful message!

Visit the Empowered By Design Podcast episode website for time stamps, resources, links, and more!                  


#120 | Season 5, Ep. 21


**Announcing Our Workshop - Manifesting 101** - it is going to be amazing!! We want to share the positive energy of our beautiful space and manifesting expertise of the VTeam with you!  Manifesting 101, prepares young adults for success as they enter their next stage of life with attention to goals+vision, balance+wellness, confidence+connection, and self-love+authenticity.  Raise your Vibe and Create your Dream Era! The first 5 to register receive a personal, private Card+Energy Reading with me! Grab your spot here: 


Episode #119 Show Notes:       


50% Complete

Two Step

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