Visionistas By Design Wellness Boutique is hiring a mental health clinician and a part-time administrative assistant!
Join us on Saturday, September 14 at 9am to:
Are you seeking clarity or direction?
Desiring connection with like-minded, like-spirited women?
Each ✨ illumination circle ✨ is created in the power of light and love.
You belong here.
Register Now!Have you been ...
Feeling off balanced and needing to reset?
Yearning for time to calm your body & mind?
Get GROUNDED with gratitude in nature!
Join us to clear your mind and relax your body in nature with serenity and peace.
Register Now!Our consultation program empowers you and your staff to improve performance, to enhance work-life balance, to avoid burnout, and to improve team dynamics.
We provide consultation and training rooted in wellness principles that incorporate cutting-edge strategies from performance and sport psychology to:
Call to schedule your free consultation and optimize your impact:
Learn More About How We Help!15 E. Walnut St., Nazareth, PA 18064 - 610.365.5042
I'm Dr. Lyz, an intuitive therapist+speaker+consultant. You can find me at my biz: Visionistas By Design Wellness Boutique.
As a licensed psychologist, love+relationship specialist, and wellness expert, I help you invest energetically in yourself to: heal, break free from old unhealthy patterns, and achieve ultimate self-awareness + LOVE! I empower you to align your energy with your Values+Mission+Vision, optimize your performance, and manifest your dreams in life, work, and love!
Learn More!Optimize your opportunity for SUCCESS in 3 easy Steps - Align your Energy with your Values, Mission, and Vision! Download our FREE "Dream, Design, Deliver" Signature Formula and Level UP Your Power to Help your Clients Manifest their Dreams!
Enhance your self-love - body, mind, heart, soul, and spirit - and strengthen your relationships with others.
Available for listening on Apple and Spotify!
Listen Now!Check out my free resources designed to help you Be Well & Live Empowered.
with a mental health professional in your area.
Mental Health Services; Relationship Coaching; and Visionary Leadership Speaking + Consultation.
We empower you to LEAD with LOVE - an intuitive, visionary approach that empowers value-driven leadership in life, work, and love.
Inspirational stories, conversations, + lessons on the power of tuning in to your intuition, seeing the signs, and listening to the whispers from angels to pursue your dreams - in life, work, and love - with intentional vision.
15 E. Walnut St., Nazareth, PA 18064 - 610.365.5042
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