Dream, Design, Deliver E-Workbook Journal
We encourage you to download our Dream, Design, Deliver E-Workbook Journal to guide you along the process of achieving your goals and manifesting your DREAMS in life, work, and LOVE.
You can print it out and write on it, or you can use the visual and record your responses wherever you choose (your journal, a notebook, a google doc, the notes section in your phone, etc.).
The Dream, Design, Deliver E-Workbook Journal Includes:
- The definition of a Visionista
- The outline and description of the Signature Formula “Dream. Design. Deliver”
- An explanation of SMARTS goals and how to create them.
- An overview of the Pyramid of Awareness and how it can be helpful in achieving your goals and aligning your energy - Body, Mind, Heart, Soul, and Spirit - with your Values and Vision.
- Journal prompts to guide you on the journey of ascending to your highest potential!
Our Mental Health Tune-Up is yourĀ Self-Love Makeover!
Sign up below and receive our 6-day formula to nurture yourself body, mind, heart, soul, and spirit!Ā
You will also receive the e-workbook journal with our Signature Formula ā€“ Dream, Design, Deliver ā€“ a fluid process that inspires self-awareness, confidence, and personal growth with intentional vision.
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