Self-Care Is Not Selfish, Ep.46

Season #2 Episode #46

Empowered By Design Podcast with Dr. Lyz: Psychology, Mental Health and Wellness, Love and Relationships, Mindset, Self-care, Self-reflection and Personal Growth

Dr. Lyz: Licensed Psychologist, Wellness Entrepreneur, Life & Love Coach


I am so excited to connect with you. If you have found me, it is likely that you are a survivor; you are a self-healer; and/or you are a helper - because, me too! If you have found your way here, then you already know that I believe that you are EXACTLY where you are meant to be.  I am so excited to announce the launch of my Design + Flo Program - Your self-care solution!  Sometimes, committing the time and energy to self-care can be overwhelming.  Too often, we judge ourselves harshly and feel guilty for spending time on ourselves.  We tend to take care of everyone we love FIRST and then give ourselves time and attention - love and compassion - with the leftover energy (and let’s face it - by the end of the day, who has any energy left??!).  Self-care is NOT selfish!!  I hope you will tune in to hear more!


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Show Notes for Episode 46: Self-Care Is Not Selfish, Ep.46

I am so excited to announce the launch of my Design + Flow Program - Your self-care solution!  It will help you deepen your self-awareness, increase your self-confidence, and love yourself more!  My signature program delivers tips, techniques, and strategies to help you nurture yourself - body, mind, heart, soul, and spirit. You can help yourself heal and grow! (You already do.) You can expand in excellence, connection, love, confidence, power, and strength. (You have already started!) To be your best version of you and to share that best version of you - with yourself, with your loved ones, with the world, with the universe!

Self-care is NOT selfish!!  Read that again, SELF-CARE IS NOT SELFISH!!  When we enhance the amount of time and energy that we spend nurturing ourselves... we feel better (for example, when we get enough sleep!) …we look better (bright eyed and bushy tailed, anyone?!), AND ... we have more energy and love to give to our favorite people, to get things done, and to navigate our busy lives with balance, joy, confidence, and grace!!

Multi-demic - we have been managing distress related to several sources in the recent years - Covid-19 Pandemic and restrictions; Economic recession; Racism and Racial Tension; Political Unrest.

Dr. Sam Knapp and Dr. Jeff Sternlieb (Pennsylvania Psychological Association continuing education training: “Self Care Journey in the Age of Covid-19”)

Selfish defined: (Oxford Dictionaries) adj. - lacking consideration for others; concerned chiefly for one’s own personal profit or pleasure

Self-Care defined: (Oxford Dictionaries) noun - the practice of taking action to preserve or improve one’s health

Our Small Business Saturday event in conjunction with the Nazareth Cookie Stroll included a collection of local artists, healers, and creators:  Sophie Hami - Henna Chakra; Leticia Gutievaz - Reiki Master; Tori Henderson - Designs By Victoria; Megan Perelli - Magen Jae Label; Emilie Torres - Second Jane; Nicole Ensmenger -  Tinker'n;  Laurie Storlie - Healing From Within; Rebecca Schmick - Rise Sound & Energy Therapy. Check out photos from the event: 


Cyndie Kramer created the Follow Your Soul Path Giveaway - a collection of amazing women coaches, healers and practitioners to bring you some amazing free gifts to help you find and follow your soul’s path.  Read more about it here: 

Come to the FREE Self-Care Magic Event with me on December 6, 2021 at 7pm ET.  This event will include: Hello and welcome from Dr. Lyz!; a Guided Meditation Activity with Dr. Lyz to help you feel connected, grounded, and inspired during the upcoming month and holiday season!; Discover and discuss your Self-Care Style!! If you haven’t done so, we invite you to begin your FREE Self-Care Makeover with Dr. Lyz!!  Sign up here: ; Time for Q + A! (let’s chat about all things self-care - Body, Mind, Heart, Soul, and Spirit!!); Information about my new Design + Flo Program!; Celebration and send-off with a few tips to make this holiday season one of abundant Joy + Peace!  It’s Free, but you must be registered:  Sign up here:

The Design + Flo Program was named in part to honor my paternal grandmother, Flora, who is sometimes referred to as “Flo” by those who love her most! (Lots of people love her).  I have learned so much about healing and growth from my gram, my GG! (I hope someday you will get to meet her on this podcast!).



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