Love Story #1: Meet My Parents! Margie+Charley, Ep.81

Season #4 Episode #81

Fall in LOVE with our new segment: Love Stories!  First up - my parents, married for 44 years and still very much in love!!! ❤️ Margie+Charley + 4 children + their 4 children’s spouses + 14 grandchildren = Love + Bliss + Dreams Come True! ❤️


You don’t want to miss the details about that first KISS behind the tree - that took her to “Cloud 9!” and “sealed the deal!” for him!!


Listen in as they share their story with Lessons of Love + Resilience + Fun!:


Their shared love for family, the Philadelphia Phillies, and travel; 

Secrets to successfully navigating the ups and downs of life and LOVE for over 44 years!!;

How they STOPPED fighting about money and started LOVING to pay the bills!; and

Building a foundation with shared values, vision, and faith! 


Visit the episode website for time stamps, resources, links, and more!   


#81 | Season 4, Ep. 4

Download the FUN Love! Formula design guide here (it’s FREE!): 

Stay connected with me by getting on my email list and download the FREE design guide, our signature formula, Dream, Design, Deliver: 

If you want to use our formula to explore your Love Story, check out our Dream Date Program - it walks you through the steps we have outlined here in this episode! Use code PODCAST20 for 20% off at checkout!!



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