A Story of Recovery, Light, and Love with Ben Zaboy, Ep.73

Season #3 Episode #73

Ben Zaboy is a Certified Recovery Specialist and Massage Therapist with a passion and mission to empower others with his message of hope and love.  In this episode, Ben shares his struggle with addiction and his journey of self-discovery, healing, and growth that helped him find the missing pieces. Ben’s story is one of inspiration, highlighting the power of healing, recovery, light, and love.

Visit the episode website for timestamps, links, and more! - https://www.drlyz.com/blog/podcast-73 

Empowered By Design Podcast with Dr. Lyz: Psychology, Love and Relationships, Mental Health and Wellness, Mindset, Self-care, Self-reflection and Personal Growth

Dr. Lyz: Licensed Psychologist; Love + Relationship Specialist; Wellness Entrepreneur

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Show Notes for Episode 73. A Story of Recovery, Light, and Love with Ben Zaboy, Ep.73

Episode Timestamp Notes: 

0:00 - Introduction of our special guest - Ben Zaboy, Certified Recovery Specialist and Massage Therapist - In Ben’s words: “Born into a loving family, and having a wonderful upbringing, I too realized I had mental health and substance abuse issues.  I spent decades hiding and numbing my inner self in shame, for not living up to a social expectation I thought I needed to adhere to, and in fear of the stigma associated two these two illnesses.  Finally, finding the missing pieces to break the cycle, I'm able to grow into my potential, and share with you my story.”

02:10 - Welcome, Ben!

03:28 - Ben and I connected at the Goddess Circle Event, hosted by Sophie Hami, earlier this year.

06:12 - Ben shares his story.

10:00 - “I was lost .... I thought drinking and drugging was the answer.”

11:12 - “I didn’t know my purpose in this life.”

12:20 - “I consider myself spiritual…this book about Buddhism…brought me back to my childhood…the Golden Rule…darma…that’s what I found [while I was] in prison”.

13:20 - “Drug/Recovery Court saved my life.”

14:02 - mandated to participate in Sync Recovery Program; “It was one more thing I had to do…I believed…I’m a failure in life.” https://syncrecovery.org/ 

15:20 - “I didn’t know what was going to happen, but I had my best friend [my son, Jack] with me…what happened there saved my life.”

16:08 - “I was given a hug…it was innocent happiness”

17:02 - “That missing link was community.”

18:30 - “I was always a helper…I had a calling…to be a massage therapist … over 20 years ago.”

19:28 - “I needed to know the sorrow…these despairs…to go where I’m going now….I’m able to help people in recovery find the tools they need…the missing links…to find the reason for living.”

21:23 - Ben provides massage therapy at Saucon Valley Massage with Wes Morris; is a meditation and mindfulness teacher, and is going to school for yoga instructor certification.  He says, “My goal is to bring these holistic services into prisons and rehabs.”

23:48 - Invitation to pause, to tune in to your reactions and think about certain aspects where you can connect with Ben’s story in content and experience. Also reflect on other aspects of Ben’s story that you can connect with on an emotional, spiritual level.

26:34 - “Mental Illness has such a stigma over it…it’s okay to be sad…anxious…depressed…if those things are happening to you, talk about it”.

27:48 - Ben speaks about the connection between mental illness and addiction with the metaphor of the leaf bag - “once the bag is lifted, the light [of my purpose] is glowing!”

29:20 - In order to best help others, we must embrace the journey of self-discovery.

30:12 - Take and make time to pause right now and engage in self-reflection, self-discovery, and self-care.

31:40 - Connection, Community, and Balance takes Intentional Effort.

32:04 - “Life is about continuous learning.”

32:28 - The Dream Design Deliver signature formula - pause and reflect to recognize where we have been, what has brought us to where we are; appreciating the right now; articulating the goals, dreams, and vision for the future.

33:55 - Harvard University Study - participants in the study spent almost 50% of their time thinking about the past and/or worrying about the future.

35:15 - The breath is helpful in anchoring us to this present moment and in recognizing the power and beauty of our bodies.   

35:55 - We emphasize the connection and interrelated aspects of the Body, Mind, Heart, Soul, and Spirit.

37:08 - It’s about balance and embracing the opportunity for joy and connection in this moment.

38:44 - Event coming up with Sync Recovery, sponsored by L.L.Bean, in August 2022 and many more opportunities for connection and community. Please share the news and information of this event! https://syncrecovery.org/ and on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/syncrecovery 

40:40 - Find Ben Zaboy on Facebook https://www.facebook.com/ben.zaboy.12 

41:10 - Ben loves living life right now and looks forward to growing more in the future - “it’s going to be something amazing!”

42:04 - The healing power of nature.

44:18 - Visit https://www.drlyz.com/makeover for The FREE resource: Mental Health Tune-Up and Self-Love Makeover to deepen your self-awareness, use your power for good, and continue on your journey of helping others.

46:44 - Connect with me, @dr_lyz on social media - TikTok, Instagram, Facebook, Linked In, and YouTube.

48:27 - “The best advice I can give to someone who wants to help someone in need…don’t ever stop loving them.”

49:46 - Please share this episode with someone that you love!

50:34 - If you want to learn more about my “Lead With Love” Program, visit my website www.drlyz.com  and download the FREE Dream, Design, Deliver signature formula!  Subscribe to my email list and keep listening here to be the first to learn about the fun opportunities we have coming and for your chance to connect with me, and receive personalized coaching with the Dream Design Deliver signature formula! Use your power for good by leading with love.  I can’t wait to connect with you!!


Follow us on social media and check our website for event info and dates! https://www.VisionistasByDesign.com 


FREE RESOURCE: The Self-LOVE Makeover. What is your Self-LOVE Style? 🤍 How do you show yourself love and compassion? 💜 Give yourself some TLC by nurturing yourself - Body, Mind, Heart, Soul, and Spirit - with my FREE Self-LOVE Makeover! https://www.drlyz.com/makeover 


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