What Is a Vision Board and Why Do I Need One? With Hannah Bennett, Ep.42

Season #2 Episode #42

Are you tired of feeling tired, burnt out, stuck?  Let’s find our focus together and make 2022 our BEST YEAR yet!!  I am thrilled to be joined by Visionistas Team member, Hannah Bennett, in this episode of the Empowered By Design podcast! We are chatting about our experience with creating vision boards and explain - what is a vision board and why do we all need to have one (or more)?!!  We highlight the importance of looking back- reflecting on the ups and downs and celebrating accomplishments and growth; appreciating our present moments and circumstances; and envisioning our goals and dreams for the future with intentional vision!  We want to help you do the same.  And, we have the party for you coming soon - this month, we will be hosting a virtual and in-person vision board party.  Join us to Discover and Design your Heart’s Desire! https://www.drlyz.com/vision-board-party 

Empowered By Design Podcast with Dr. Lyz: Psychology, Mental Health and Wellness, Love and Relationships, Mindset, Self-care, Self-reflection and Personal Growth

Dr. Lyz: Licensed Psychologist, Wellness Entrepreneur, Life & Love Coach

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Show notes for Episode 42. What Is a Vision Board and Why Do I Need One? With Hannah Bennett, Ep.42


What is a Vision Board?  A vision board is a personal reflection of your goals, dreams, and desires.  It is a creative medium to design and display a collection of words, quotes, images, etc. representing your goals - those that you are aware of - and the dreams and desires that might be floating underneath your level of conscious awareness.

Attending a vision board party - or hosting your own! - is a wonderful opportunity to connect with others who are sharing with you in the spirit of creating and articulating your vision.

Vision boards can be created electronically or with a physical board (e.g., canvas, cardboard, paper, etc.).

Vision boards can also be a magical and unexpected representation of your path.  It is important to place your vision board somewhere prominent in your personal and/or professional space so that you can see it often - to feel motivated and inspired by it, to notice that which has come to fruition, to pay attention to your dreams!

Hannah stated that she loves vision boards because “they can be a great way to organize my thoughts... recognize themes and patterns...to have something to look at and reflect on... to see what my heart desires that my mind might not recognize...to look at the vision board and use that [for motivation] to keep pushing forward”.

Join us for our Vision Board Party on November 12, 2021 at 7pm ET where we will help you Discover and Design your Heart’s Desire!  We will be 

Resources mentioned:


Previous Empowered By Design Podcast Episodes:  https://www.drlyz.com/empowered-by-design-podcast

“Manifesting Your Dreams with Intentional Vision, Ep.2” https://www.drlyz.com/blog/podcast-manifesting-your-dreams-with-intentional-vision-ep2 

“Creating Your Intentional Vision Board, Ep.3” https://www.drlyz.com/blog/podcast-creating-your-intentional-vision-board-ep3 

Sign up for our weekly email:  https://www.visionistasbydesign.com/ 


Upcoming Programs! - https://www.visionistasbydesign.com/events 

Vision Board Party with Hannah and the Visionistas Team - https://www.drlyz.com/vision-board-party 

Style By Design with Samantha - coming soon!

Design & Flo Program with Dr. Lyz - https://www.drlyz.com/flo

Aliya is launching a podcast - “Exposed Relations” - submit your relationship questions for a chance to be featured on the show: https://www.visionistasbydesign.com/aliya-kenyatta 

A New You Program with Vicky - coming soon!



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