Running On Purpose with Lisa Dente, Ep.108

Lisa Dente ran the Boston Marathon in 2013. She escaped physical injury from the bombings on that day.  As a survivor of the tragedy, Lisa experienced a mixture of emotional and mental reactions. She joins me on this episode to share her story and discuss the implications of it on her life’s passion and purpose:  raising awareness of the importance of mental health treatment and increasing accessibility to services and support for families.  

Lisa will be returning to Boston on April 17, 2023 to run in the Boston Marathon for Rebekah’s Angels -  an organization dedicated to providing “mental health treatment to those who are suffering” and giving “parents and caregivers the tools they need to effectively parent through the hardest chapters of life”.

Lisa discusses her emotions and thoughts about returning to the marathon this year.  Her goal is to appreciate each step and focus on the purpose of her mission: to help...

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