LOVE With Confidence! Ep.101


Today begins our series, “LOVE With Confidence”, our theme for Season 5! This episode introduces our theme and outlines the upcoming journey that we will take together through our energetic realms of experience - body, mind, heart, soul, and spirit - to deepen our capacity to love others and ourselves with confidence!  

Our mission to help balance the energetic realms - body, mind, heart, soul, and spirit - is based partly on Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs; our spiritual energy centers - the Chakra system; and the Eight Dimensions of Wellness from SAMHSA. In this episode, I provide information to highlight the psychological foundation of the concept: loving with confidence. I offer considerations to highlight why the combination of  love with confidence is important in our present lives, to reflect on where the concept comes from, and to provide action steps including Metta - a practice in loving-kindness - that you can perform to move forward...

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