Soul Care: Card pull and Unboxing my new deck! Ep.146
Soul Care: Card pull and Unboxing my new deck! Ep.146
We are unboxing my new card deck: Soul Care Oracle Cards by Sara McCormick!! I am so excited to learn more about “soul care astrology: the moon, planets, seasons, elements, and zodiac signs” with this new deck!!
In this episode we chat about my recent trip to Italy, passing out on the plane, making fun memories, and enjoying new things in life! I unbox my new oracle cards and pull cards for us to nurture our souls and make important meaning of the messages for our lives!
#146 | Season 7: Illuminate! Ep. 5
Episode #146 Show Notes and Links:
New link for the podcast:
Our next ✨illumination circle ✨ at Visionistas By Design will be held on Saturday, May 11 at 9:30am. We will be honoring Mother Earth and tapping into her wisdom, love, and strength to help us on our life’s path!
If you are looking for a place to connect with other women who value:
💜authenticity, and
💜lifting each other up …
If you are looking for a place to celebrate your intuitive spirit, to illuminate the messages from your soul, to elevate your passion…If you want some real, tangible support and action steps you can take right now…If you are looking for your people, look no further!! I will see you at the circle.
Here is the link to learn more about the illumination circles and register!
Link to Emilie’s lesson for us regarding the power of the solar eclipse and implications for our life goals:
Love story of Margie and Charley (my parents!) and my travel partners to Italy:
Our first Grounding with Gratitude Gathering with Vicky Alercia, LPC is happening this Saturday, May 4 at 9am in Jacobsburg Park! Learn more and register:
Love Notes with Angie:
Reel from my recent trip to Italy: