This is the perfect time to lift up and share our good vibes and to express our gratitude! In this season of gratitude, good vibes, and new beginnings we celebrate the opportunity to look back and reflect; to appreciate where we are right now, and to peek into our vision and dreams for the future! Tune in for a card pull from two decks: “The Wild Unknown Archetypes” Deck and Guidebook by Kim Krans and “The Moon Deck” Oracle Cards & Guidebook by Aarona Lea; Illustrated by Andrea Keh.
We make meaning of the cards in our lives right now, reflecting on where we have been, and in line with our vision and dreams for the future!
#137 | Season 6: Rejoice! Ep. 11
#137 “Good Vibes + Gratitude + a card pull!” Show Notes - Links and References:
Card #1: The Womb (XLVI)
Card #2: Guidance (16): “I am on the right path and divinely guided”
Card #3: Love (24): “I love myself completely and unconditionally”
Listen in to hear the meaning that we make together!
Many women find it difficult to say “ I love myself completely and unconditionally”. Our Self-Love 101 Program can help you increase your love, confidence, and self-worth so that you too can stand with your arms raised in joy and celebration and say “I am on the right path and divinely guided!” Learn more here:
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