This episode is a work of creative writing based on a true story! I share my “revelation dreams” as told by the ‘Whispers From Angels’.
Welcome to Season 4 of the podcast, Empowered By Design. I am your host - Dr. Lyz - a hopeful romantic, mom of two beautiful souls, and partner to the love of my life! As a licensed psychologist, I love helping people heal, grow, and SHINE! I am a love + relationship specialist and owner of Visionistas By Design Wellness Boutique where we LEAD with LOVE and empower you to fly.
This podcast delivers inspirational stories, conversations, and lessons on the power of tuning in - body, mind, heart, soul, and spirit - and following your intuition, seeing the signs, and listening to the whispers from angels to pursue your dreams - in life, work, and love - with intentional vision. Share the love, spread the power. Dream, Design, Deliver.
#78 | Season 4, Ep. 1
Now is a great time to listen to podcast episode 58, “Angel Number 808 + An Empowering Message for You!”
Show Notes for Episode 78: Whispers From Angels, Ep.78
Episode Timestamp Notes:
0:00 - The NEW Season 4 Intro!! “Welcome to Season 4 of the podcast, Empowered By Design. I am your host - Dr. Lyz - a hopeful romantic, mom of two beautiful souls, and partner to the love of my life! As a licensed psychologist, I love helping people heal, grow, and SHINE! I am a love + relationship specialist and owner of Visionistas By Design Wellness Boutique where we LEAD with LOVE and empower you to fly. This podcast delivers inspirational stories, conversations, and lessons on the power of tuning in - body, mind, heart, soul, and spirit - and following your intuition, seeing the signs, and listening to the whispers from angels to pursue your dreams - in life, work, and love - with intentional vision. Share the love, spread the power. Dream, Design, Deliver.”
01:19 - The lavender lamp glows at the bedside table. Scattered near the edge rest a few crystals, holding power that she really doesn’t understand, and a black cross on a smooth creamy stone. A snapshot framed in funky silver of her and her love peers over the room- golden curls of laughter pressed against the scruffy cheek of the quiet, mysterious soul. Angled beside it stands a wooden box sign singing the mantra “Always Kiss Me Goodnight”. She puts on her chapstick and curls on her side, pulling up the fluffy blanket and tucking it under her chin.
02:05 - “I’m ready,” she whispers. “God, please give me the dream. I’m ready to receive the message that shows me the way. That puts it all together.” The yawning magic dances in her droopy eyes and she clicks off the light of the room. But it glows inside of her.
02:28 - She has come far on her journey. We have whispered our love to her along the way. We have guided her, holding hands; played our music as she sang along. We showed her Doll’s blue bird, the lovely lady bug, and the vision with purple flowers. We send her spirit guides and familiar faces to laugh and cry with her in her dreams. We called her to the table of the humble artist polishing the purple heart pendant. We have empowered her to pray, read, pause, and meditate. Reminded her to listen, to follow, and to lead. We took people away, a part of this journey. She revels in the magic and, with drive, she has fortified her faith. She hasn’t gotten all that she has asked for. Yet.
03:33 - She is ready. It is time. Within moments, she is turned to her sleeping pose. Her breathing slows. It’s showtime.
03:47 - In her dreams, she journeys to a glamorous retreat on a hill with one of her dearest partners in crime. They laugh and dance and chat with the others taking rest in the faraway land. She is intrigued by the confidence of her friend. Captivated by her charm, heads turn and eyes glaze over as she spills her tales of love and connection. “He wants to take a picture with me!” her friend shouts, smiling to her from atop the grassy knoll.
04:22 - We bring her next to a place of connection, a conversation with one she has helped transform into a song. She helped clear the clutter, walking arm and arm down dark pathways of shame and guilt, stepping boldly through the doors of promise into the sunshine. “You are loved”, she assures. “But you must love yourself truly, to embrace the warmth and share your light. Draw them in with your wisdom and authority; Lead them with your empathy and courage”.
05:06 - And finally, we take her to an unknown land, with terracotta facades and red-lined windows. She doesn’t know this one, but she is right where she is meant to be. Looking into their eyes - one set as dark as a stormy sea the other a glitter of ocean blue - she presses her lips into a smile. Smoothing the red petal between her thumb and forefinger, she pulls up her chair to the table of hope and promise, “Tell me your love story”.
05:50 - When her alarm sounds, it’s not for work, but for baseball. She crawls out of bed and into her morning nest. Just enough time for a meditation and devotion - Psalm 91 - “He gives His angels charge over me”. Three flashes from her dreams dance on the edge of her mind. She promises to come back to write and ponder them later. With a beat, just before moving on to her next step she scribbles,
06:26 - “Lead me with love, and I will follow”.
07:54 - It’s 8-08! I can’t wait to connect with you on the next episode!
08:08 - The End.
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Empowered By Design Podcast with Dr. Lyz: Love + Relationships; Psychology; Mental Health + Wellness; Visionary Leadership; Self-Awareness + Personal Growth
Dr. Lyz: Licensed Psychologist; Love + Relationship Specialist; Speaker + Consultant
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