Creating Your Intentional Vision Board, Ep. 3

3. Creating Your Intentional Vision Board

Dr. Lyz walks you through the process of creating your own vision board in this episode of the Empowered By Design Podcast - Creating Your Intentional Vision Board.  Get comfy, unleash your creative energy and design a vision board to welcome the manifestation of your dreams! You can use this episode to host a vision board party with friends or to spend some valuable “me time” with your dreams, goals, and vision!

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Welcome to the podcast, Empowered By Design with Dr. Lyz!  This podcast is designed to bring you psychological concepts in real life terms that will empower a proactive approach to mental health and overall wellness while inviting balance, harmony, connection, and...

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Reflecting for Joy, Ep. 1

1. Reflecting For Joy

Dr. Lyz invites you to engage in the process of reflection, as you engage in the journey of welcoming joy, in this episode of the Empowered By Design Podcast - Reflecting for Joy.  She highlights the power of pausing, reflecting on the past, and processing the mixture of emotions - including pain, sadness, loss - in order to make room to notice and hold onto the moments that bring love, connection, and joy.  Dr. Lyz shares reflections, both personal and professional, to illustrate the power of her signature formula  - Dream, Design, Deliver - a fluid process that empowers success in life and love with intentional vision.

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Manifesting Your Dreams with Intentional Vision, Ep. 2

2. Manifesting Your Dreams with Intentional Vision

Dr. Lyz shares the power of intentional vision by chatting about her experience of manifesting her dreams and working towards her goals with the use of vision boards.  In this episode of the Empowered By Design Podcast - Manifesting Your Dreams with Intentional Vision - Dr. Lyz invites you to step into a dream mindset, to open your mind and welcome the manifestation of your dreams, and to begin the process of articulating your vision!

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Clubhouse: follow @DrLyz


Welcome to the podcast, Empowered By Design with Dr. Lyz!  This podcast is designed to bring you psychological concepts in real life terms that will empower a proactive approach to mental health and overall wellness while inviting balance, harmony, connection, and joy.  Lyz DeBoer Kreider, PhD, a licensed...

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