A Guided Meditation: Tuning In, Ep.67

I share with you a guided meditation, “Tuning In - Body, Mind, Heart, Soul, + Spirit”.  Engaging in regular meditation practice offers numerous benefits for mental health and overall wellness.  This guided meditation is a mindfulness practice that invites you to tune into your present moment using your breath, your senses, and your inner experience - body, mind, heart, soul, and spirit.  Use this practice to tune into your thoughts, emotions, physical and spiritual experience with curiosity.  This guided meditation exercise will help you center yourself, to anchor yourself in this moment and invite a sense of calm presence. 

Empowered By Design Podcast with Dr. Lyz: Psychology, Love and Relationships, Mental Health and Wellness, Mindset, Self-care, Self-reflection and Personal Growth

Dr. Lyz: Licensed Psychologist; Love + Relationship Specialist; Wellness Entrepreneur

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Angel Number 808+An Empowering Message For You! Ep.58

What does Angel Number 808 mean for you?? Join me to hear the message and reflect upon its potential meaning in your life.  In this episode I also draw a surprise Empowerment Card for our monthly dose of empowerment in FUN February!  I share my reaction and invite you to reflect upon your thoughts, associations as you apply the empowering messages to your life.

Empowered By Design Podcast with Dr. Lyz: Psychology, Mental Health and Wellness, Love and Relationships, Mindset, Self-care, Self-reflection and Personal Growth

Dr. Lyz: Licensed Psychologist, Wellness Entrepreneur, Life & Love Coach

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