What The World Needs Now, Ep.79

Tell Me Your Love Story! Let’s share the love and spread the power - TOGETHER!! Welcome to Season 4 of the Empowered By Design Podcast! In this episode, I break down and explain the meaning behind the new podcast introduction and talk about what you can expect in this brand new season!!  I am so excited to introduce our new segment that will be coming: “Love Stories”, and I ask you a favor to help me make it amazing!!

#79 | Season 4, Ep. 2


Empowered By Design Podcast with Dr. Lyz: Love + Relationships; Psychology;  Mental Health + Wellness; Visionary Leadership; Self-Awareness + Personal Growth

Dr. Lyz: Licensed Psychologist; Love + Relationship Specialist; Speaker +

Stay connected with me by getting on my email list and download the FREE design guide, our signature formula, Dream, Design, Deliver: https://www.drlyz.com/DDD 

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