What The World Needs Now, Ep.79

Tell Me Your Love Story! Let’s share the love and spread the power - TOGETHER!! Welcome to Season 4 of the Empowered By Design Podcast! In this episode, I break down and explain the meaning behind the new podcast introduction and talk about what you can expect in this brand new season!!  I am so excited to introduce our new segment that will be coming: “Love Stories”, and I ask you a favor to help me make it amazing!!

#79 | Season 4, Ep. 2


Empowered By Design Podcast with Dr. Lyz: Love + Relationships; Psychology;  Mental Health + Wellness; Visionary Leadership; Self-Awareness + Personal Growth

Dr. Lyz: Licensed Psychologist; Love + Relationship Specialist; Speaker +

Stay connected with me by getting on my email list and download the FREE design guide, our signature formula, Dream, Design, Deliver: https://www.drlyz.com/DDD 

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Insight Timer: https://insig.ht/fsvbAhoowkb?utm_source=copy_link&utm_medium=live_stream_share 

Web:  https://www.DrLyz.com 




Visit the episode website for time stamps, resources, links, and more! - https://www.drlyz.com/blog/podcast-79 

Show Notes for Episode 79. What The World Needs Now, Ep.79

Episode Timestamp Notes: 

0:00 - Welcome to Season 4 of the Empowered By Design Podcast!! And Intro.

03:21 - I am so excited to be back after the break from the podcast.

06:18 - At Visionistas By Design Wellness Boutique we welcomed our recent break from social media and from the podcast to intentionally rest, rejuvenate, and reset. We also became aware of the invitation and message for us to become more open to receiving!

07:51 - A little bit about our Visionstas Team Dream Retreat with Sophie Hami - Using a blend of our Dream, Design, Deliver formula and Sophie’s guidance, we spent time celebrating, connecting, reflecting, envisioning, creating, tuning in, evaluating, re-designing, and MORE celebrating!

09:32 - Reintroducing myself for newer listeners using the new Season 4 Intro of the podcast! “I am your host - Dr. Lyz - a hopeful romantic, mom of two beautiful souls, and partner to the love of my life!” I enjoyed spending more time in connection with my loves over the summer weeks.

11:33 - I spent time giving my mind an intentional rest and brought myself more into balance by tuning in to my body and heart with a focused attention on my soul and spirit.

12:44 - A little over a year ago I received a whisper from my angels - “You have more to offer in the spiritual realm” and so I have spent focused time and energy nurturing my soul and spirit over the recent months.  I am embracing the journey.

14:18 - More about our new intro: “As a licensed psychologist, I love helping people heal, grow, and SHINE!” My mission is to bring the energy that I have been using to help clients that I have been working with in therapy (individual and group therapy) to the podcast platform and to you! 

16:33 - Knowledge is Power. - My mission is to spread the love and the power with a proactive, holistic approach by delivering tips and strategies to promote balance, mental health and wellness, joy, and healthy relationships. 

20:54 - At Visionistas By Design we have spent intentional effort taking inventory of our values, time, energy, and resources in order to align our energy - body, mind, heart, soul, and spirit - with our core values.

22:29 - I invite you to pause, take a breath, and reflect on how you can use some of these lessons, tools, and strategies and apply them to your journey as well.

24:00 - We specialize in offering 3 main areas of service and More on the new intro: “I am a love + relationship specialist and owner of Visionistas By Design Wellness Boutique where we LEAD with LOVE and empower you to fly.” Two of our 3 main areas of service: Mental Health Treatment; Relationship Coaching - Premarital Coaching, Couples Coaching, and Enhancing our Self-Awareness and Self-Love; and Visionary Leadership Training and Consultation

24:58 - Research shows that when we are engaged in healthy relationships - feeling safe being authentic, we live with more joy, satisfaction, and pleasure!

27:28 - Our 3rd main area of service: Visionary Leadership Speaking and Consultation.  Visionistas By Design began with our focus on vision and an intuitive, visionary approach to life and love. We are so excited to introduce our program and philosophy: LEAD with LOVE - more to come in the future!!

28:56 - To help give context to the next piece of the new intro, “This podcast delivers inspirational stories, conversations, and lessons on the power of tuning in - body, mind, heart, soul, and spirit - and following your intuition, seeing the signs, and listening to the whispers from angels to pursue your dreams - in life, work, and love - with intentional vision.” I discuss a portion of my spiritual journey and the significance of Angel Number 808

30:26 - Angel Number 808 as found on www.google.com: “Angel number 808 is a reassuring message from your guardian angels to you.  In addition, angels want you to understand that you’re a part of larger, divine plans by delivering you angel number 808.  Let it propel you in the correct direction and help you achieve your goals”.  Now is a great time to listen to podcast episode 58, “Angel Number 808 + An Empowering Message for You!” https://www.drlyz.com/blog/podcast-angel-number-808-empowering-message-ep58 

31:07 - How has the universe propelled you on your journey to achieving your goals??  DM me and share your story with me!

32:35 - Episode #77 of the Empowered By Design Podcast dropped on 7.7 (You can hear that episode: https://www.drlyz.com/blog/podcast-77) and brought another important message for me along this leg of my spiritual journey:  “Number 7777 represents spiritual enlightenment and peace of mind. It's not a fluke that it shows up at this time. It shows that you are grown enough to make rational decisions and create positive changes in your life. A strong attitude and trust in your feelings are what your guardian angels are informing you of.”  from www.google.com 33:41 - Have you seen the signs? Have you asked for the signs?

35:36 - I invite you to “Share the love, spread the power. Dream, Design, Deliver.” (From the intro). We have some very exciting guests planned for this season and I can’t wait to share them with you!!

36:18 - Explaining the meaning behind Episode 78 - “Whispers From Angels” - https://www.drlyz.com/blog/podcast-78; During my intentional break from social media and the podcast in July 2022, I took a writing course on the Insight Timer app by Carolyn Ziel, “Facing the Blank Page”. It helped reignite my love and passion for creative writing.

37:51 - You can see more samples of my creative writing by signing up for my email list - Grab the Dream, Design, Deliver download at the same time by clicking this link:  https://www.drlyz.com/DDD 

39:50 - Love Stories!! Is a New segment coming on the Empowered By Design Podcast this season. I’m asking for your prayers, hopes, and positive vibes to help my hubby Chad decide to come back on the podcast to share our love story!!

41:44 - I invite you to reflect and ponder on your own love story. (more to come on how to do that **and to feel AMAZING!!** about your love story in upcoming episodes!!)


Stay connected with me by getting on my email list: https://www.drlyz.com/DDD 


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