Connection and Joy Through the Holidays. Tips to Design + Flo with Love, Part 2 of 2, Ep.49

Season #2 Episode #49

Empowered By Design Podcast with Dr. Lyz: Psychology, Mental Health and Wellness, Love and Relationships, Mindset, Self-care, Self-reflection and Personal Growth

Dr. Lyz: Licensed Psychologist, Wellness Entrepreneur, Life & Love Coach


The Holiday Season is here!!  Christmas Day is right around the corner!!  This episode provides tips to connect with joy and love throughout the upcoming weeks and into the new year! I share three key tips: Get Ready, Get Real, Get Right with yourself to make your holidays magical!  I also continue sharing the five aspects of balanced health that help you live life with confidence, and with so much love and joy.  I outline my new signature Design+Flo Program to help you on your journey of designing and delivering the life and love of your dreams!  

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Show Notes for Episode 49: Connection and Joy Through the Holidays. Tips to Design + Flo with Love, Part 2 of 2, Ep.49


The holidays are meant to be merry and bright.  And, let’s face it, sometimes they’re not.  The end of the year is a natural “ending”, a goodbye that can bring up emotions of sadness, remorse, regret, and fear (even if it’s a welcomed good-bye).  We remember those we have lost.  We might struggle to “buy all the things” and give gifts, which packs-a-punch to our wallets!!  We are busier, bustling, and sleep-deprived.  The more we fight those feelings, push them down and run away from them … the stronger they can become.  So, I invite you to pause…slow down (a little!).  And breathe.  Take some time to honor your experience.  Process your emotions.  Give space to your thoughts and memories.  I KNOW this helps, regardless of the season.  Trust me.


This holiday season and beyond, maximize your connection, love, and joy with these three tips:

  1. Get Ready
    1. Prepare
    2. Pause, check in with yourself
  2. Get Real 
    1. What are your expectations?
    2. Who are you going to see? What will you eat/drink?
    3. How does that usually go?
    4. Probably will go the same!!
    5. Can’t control others.  You can control your response to others.
  3. Get Right
    1. With yourself.
    2. Carry what you need. - peace, strength, protection, love, kindness, forgiveness, gratitude, confidence, etc.
    3. In your Heart, in the palm of your hand.
    4. What you carry, you also share with others.


The Design+Flo Program is here!!  I am so excited to announce and bring you this amazing opportunity to deepen your connection with yourself and enhance your ability to connect authentically with others - Body, Mind, Heart, Soul, and Spirit.  It incorporates the intention to Know Yourself.  Be Yourself.  Love Yourself. Transcend. And Connect.  Learn more at my website: 

Previous episodes referenced:

8 Celebrating Good Times! -  This or That? - 

Celebrations are important and so much fun!  We are a busy collection of people and may often feel a pressure to move forward, check off the “to do list”, pursue the next goal, create the next post, write the next chapter, cross the next finish line.  And we sometimes forget to invite and welcome balance by pausing, resting, reflecting, celebrating, and enjoying our moments in the here-and-now.  In Episode 8 of the Empowered By Design Podcast, Dr. Lyz celebrates Episode 8 and invites you to have a little fun and Celebrate your Good Times! Get to know Dr. Lyz a little bit better in this episode, as she shares some fun facts in the game “This or That?”.  


9 Designing and Delivering the Life of Your Dreams - Mind, Body, Heart, Soul, Spirit, Ep.9  - You are the Designer of your life!  By design, you have arrived at your unique place on the path of life and you have the opportunity to design your actions in alignment with your dreams and vision. In this episode, Dr. Lyz shares with you the significance of the Visionistas By Design Open Purple Heart symbol for love and courage in embracing the process of self-reflection and discovery with trust, vulnerability, and authenticity.  Dr. Lyz introduces the intricate and reciprocal relationship among the aspects of identity - body, mind, heart, soul, and spirit. In the upcoming weeks Dr. Lyz will dedicate an episode to the importance of and strategies for nurturing yourself in each of those aspects. 


10 Tuning in to your body’s language - Nurture the Body (Episode 10) Nurture Yourself by Designing and Delivering the Life of Your Dreams Series- Body, Mind, Heart, Soul, and Spirit.  In today’s episode of the Empowered By Design Podcast, Dr. Lyz focuses on the physical experiences of our bodies that communicate important messages for our survival, comfort, joy, balance, and overall wellness. Join Dr. Lyz as she encourages you to tune in to your body, pay close attention to your body, and become aware of the messages that your body is sending.  Your body can do amazing things! Yet, we often criticize or treat our bodies harshly.  Explore some strategies to nurture, care for, celebrate, and love your body so that it can love you back with peace and harmony!


11 Balancing and Nurturing your Beautiful Mind (Episode 11) Our minds might be busy, and they are also BEAUTIFUL!!  In this episode of the Empowered By Design Podcast, I continue the series - Nurturing Yourself by Designing and Delivering the Life of Your Dreams - Body, Mind, Heart, Soul, and Spirit. I invite awareness, curiosity, and appreciation for different states of mind - occasions when our minds are focused, conscious, intentionally aware and occasions when our minds are wandering. I model strategies for connecting to the present moment and invite you to practice them with me.  I share the benefits of mindful balance and empower you to reflect upon your own experiences to increase your personal awareness, to enhance your relationships with yourself and others, and to appreciate the power and potential of your mind.  I deliver a reading of Kobi Yamada’s book, Maybe: A Story about the Endless Potential in All of Us, sharing its meaning for me and inviting you to notice its meaning for you.


13 Trusting the Heart and Working your Vision - Nurture the Heart (Episode 13) In order to trust your heart, you must KNOW your heart and NURTURE your heart!!  In this episode of the Empowered By Design Podcast, we return to the series - Designing and Delivering the Life of Your Dreams - Nurturing your Body, Mind, Heart, Soul, and Spirit. We chat about the heart - it’s beauty and blessings - the sustainer of our lives with its beating power.  In our lives we have experiences that are heartwarming and also experiences that are heartbreaking.  (Spoiler - I share a bit of gets real, people!!!).  Heartbreak is difficult.  And it’s unpleasant.  Yet, we have the power to not only deal with it, survive it, and THRIVE after heartbreak.   Tune in for some tips on processing, rather than avoiding emotional distress, and why it’s beneficial to do so!  With an open, nurtured heart we are empowered to move with intention towards our dreams and vision!


15 Awakening, Embracing, and Nurturing Your Soul, Ep. 15  What do you think of when you hear the word, soul?!  How do you nurture your soul?  In this episode of the Empowered By Design Podcast, we return to the series - Designing and Delivering the Life of Your Dreams - Nurturing your Body, Mind, Heart, Soul, and Spirit and focusing on the soul!  Beliefs about the soul come from personal, spiritual, cultural, family, religious values as well as life experiences.  When you attend to yourself, nurturing the aspects of your identity and health, you open the door and allow your soul to awaken!!  We chat about embracing the process of tuning into your soul, understanding yourself and your identity at your core in order to feel balanced, peaceful, joyful, and fulfilled.


17 Honoring, Nurturing, and Believing in Your Spirit, Ep. 17 My Poppop died when I was 10.  That was really hard.  I remember the morning of his funeral, we were at my Grammy’s house getting dressed and ready to go to the church, and I couldn’t French braid my hair.  I just couldn’t get it right.  And, I had been braiding my own hair for months.  So, it was really frustrating.  My mom braided my hair, and maybe that’s what I needed most in that moment - the spirit connection.  When I was 19 years old, my Poppop came to me in a dream to deliver a life changing message.  When I need a message that my mind isn’t picking up, my spirit delivers.  And, my spirit mostly comes to me in my dreams.  In this episode, we discuss honoring, nurturing, and believing in your spirit. We finish up our series “Designing and Delivering the Life of Your Dreams - Body, Mind, Heart, Soul, Spirit”.   I invite you to explore your beliefs about spirit, and I share some of mine!  I share my memorable and special dream that brought a message from my soul and helped me nurture myself - body and spirit.  This episode will empower you to tune in to yourself with a nurturing, honorable spirit.


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