Game Day and an emPOWERing message! Ep. 130

It’s Game Day and we are pulling a card for an emPOWERing message from the Wild Unknown Archetypes Deck and Guidebook by Kim Krans. Everything that we will talk about today comes from a place of LOVE!! There are a few VERY FUN things coming up and I am sharing my excited energy with you. I am also inviting you to call into your mind your question, your energy, and your wish for seeking clarity in your LiFE, LoVE, and/or BiZ!! I pull a card and make meaning of it and invite you to explore your reactions - body, mind, heart, soul, and spirit! What is coming our way?! Let’s connect and make some special meaning for our lives today! 


#130 | Season 6: Rejoice! Ep. 4

#130 “Game Day and an emPOWERing message!” Show Notes - Links and References:    

I invite you to call into your mind an intention, something you would like guidance or clarity on as we prepare for our card pull and reading!


When I recorded this episode, a few...

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Love your SPIRIT with Confidence, Ep.121

emPOWER your SPIRIT and LIVE the Life+Love+BiZ of your DREAMS with CONFIDENCE!

I am so excited to bring you this important episode to increase your confidence and help you improve your relationship with yourself and others! This episode is a continuation of our Season 5 Series - Loving Yourself with Confidence!! 

Get to the root of who you are! Show up for yourself - and others - authentically! Make room for miracles and magical connection when you tune in to your spirit! I invite you to ponder: How do you commune and connect with spirit? And I share ideas, tips, and strategies to help you energize your spirit! Take action today!!

#121 | Season 5, Ep. 22


**Announcing Our Workshop - Manifesting 101** - it is going to be amazing!! We want to share the positive energy of our beautiful space and manifesting expertise of the VTeam with you!  Manifesting 101, prepares young adults for success as they enter their next stage of life with attention to goals+vision,...

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