Our Empowerment Card Message: “Today is the Opportunity to Build the Tomorrow You Want!” What are YOU going to do TODAY to grab this opportunity (RIGHT NOW) and move closer to building the tomorrow of your DREAMS?
In this episode I draw our monthly empowerment card. I share my reaction to the card and invite you to make meaning for your life!
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#87 | Season 4, Ep. 10
Download the FUN Love! Formula design guide here (it’s FREE!): https://www.drlyz.com/fun-love
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Susan Burrell is an intuitive guide, speaker, podcaster, and author of “Live Your Empowered Life: A 30-Day Journey Book”. She is a guide in the crossroads of life with a Master’s Degree in Consciousness. Susan has been counseling and supporting people in transforming from the inside out for over 25 years.
I am excited to bring to you my conversation with Susan Burrell, who shares her personal journey of love and empowerment that has inspired her life and her work. Susan’s passion is “supporting women in their inner growth” by tuning into her intuition and using it to guide them on their divine path with beauty, strength, and power.
Website: https://www.susanburrell.com
Share the LOVE and spread the POWER!! Share the episode with someone you love and subscribe to the podcast so that you don’t miss a thing!
#83 | Season 4, Ep. 6
Download the FUN Love! Formula design guide here (it’s FREE!): ...
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