Our Empowerment Card Message: “Today is the Opportunity to Build the Tomorrow You Want!” What are YOU going to do TODAY to grab this opportunity (RIGHT NOW) and move closer to building the tomorrow of your DREAMS?
In this episode I draw our monthly empowerment card. I share my reaction to the card and invite you to make meaning for your life!
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#87 | Season 4, Ep. 10
Download the FUN Love! Formula design guide here (it’s FREE!): https://www.drlyz.com/fun-love
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Happy New Year!! I am so excited to connect with you in this episode to talk about three simple steps to starting this new year off right!! In this episode, I discuss the power of these 3 steps: Release, Reset, Renew for a Magical 2022. I provide tips and strategies for Releasing what does not serve you; Resetting your actions to align with your passion, purpose, & vision; and Renewing yourself - body, mind, heart, soul, + spirit! I love celebrating with you, and I invite you to share your celebrations and dreams with me. Continue connecting with me to celebrate your dreams coming true in 2022!!
Empowered By Design Podcast with Dr. Lyz: Psychology, Mental Health and Wellness, Love and Relationships, Mindset, Self-care, Self-reflection and Personal Growth
Dr. Lyz: Licensed Psychologist, Wellness Entrepreneur, Life & Love Coach
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2. Manifesting Your Dreams with Intentional Vision
Dr. Lyz shares the power of intentional vision by chatting about her experience of manifesting her dreams and working towards her goals with the use of vision boards. In this episode of the Empowered By Design Podcast - Manifesting Your Dreams with Intentional Vision - Dr. Lyz invites you to step into a dream mindset, to open your mind and welcome the manifestation of your dreams, and to begin the process of articulating your vision!
Follow Dr. Lyz on Social Media:
Clubhouse: follow @DrLyz
Welcome to the podcast, Empowered By Design with Dr. Lyz! This podcast is designed to bring you psychological concepts in real life terms that will empower a proactive approach to mental health and overall wellness while inviting balance, harmony, connection, and joy. Lyz DeBoer Kreider, PhD, a licensed...
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