Self-Love + Authenticity = What's your score?! Ep. 131

What is so important about self-love and authenticity? How do they fit together? I can tell you that in my life, I was not always comfortable being my authentic self. There were times that I did not like myself very much. I have made an intentional effort to continuously learn and grow - body, mind, heart, soul, and spirit. When you spend time learning about yourself and increasing your self-awareness, authenticity, and self-love you are better equipped to experience balance, confidence, and joy. 


How do you rate on self-love and authenticity? Tune in to discover how a healthy level of self-love can help you experience less stress, more confidence, and authentic joy!! Learn how to raise your score and show up authentically to enhance your love for self and the love that you share with others! Stay all the way to the end for your exclusive special offer for my Self-Love 101 Master Course to help you on your journey of being yourself and loving yourself authentically! 


#131 | Season 6: Rejoice! Ep. 5

#131 “Self-Love + Authenticity = What's your score?!” Show Notes - Links and References:    

Snacks+Apps: update from last episode (Game Day) on the exciting things happening in my LiFE, LoVE, and BiZ!!

The Wild Women Festival was amazing! I facilitated two spiritual emPOWERment circles and attended other workshops and connected with lovely, inspirational women. (I hope you will get to meet them here on the podcast in the future!)

One of my favorite parts of the festival was that I was authentically and comfortably myself and in connection with empowering women.

In my life, I was not always comfortable being my authentic self. I have gone through periods in life where I was not in a loving, healthy relationship with myself. There were times that I did not like myself very much.

I am a recovering perfectionist and a striver and sometimes have a low tolerance for frustration when things don’t go “perfectly”.

There is not just one way to heal and grow and fly.  To know what works for you, you must do the inner work and increase your self-awareness. 

I have never been as comfortable being my authentic self as I am at this point in my life. I recognize the power of that journey of increasing my self-awareness, self-love, and the ability to be myself authentically.

I am a self-healer and a self-helper and a life-long learner (as you know!). The programs and services that we offer at Visionistas By Design Wellness Boutique come from a foundation of love - love with self and with others.

The dangers of the comparison trap can keep us stuck in a cycle of discouragement and distress.  When you spend time learning about yourself and increasing your self-awareness, authenticity, and self-love you are better equipped to experience balance, confidence, and joy.

Sometimes in life we experience sadness and gloom even when we have so much to be grateful for. Our tendency to be harsh and self-critical can make us feel confused, conflicted, and even more stressed. And we bring that energy into our relationships and create distance and disconnect.

When we are critical with ourselves, that energy spills over into our relationships with others.  When we intend to love ourselves authentically, we bring that beautiful love to share with others in relationships.

My educational foundation is psychology. It has been a wonderful experience to reconnect with my spiritual roots to inform my practices - personally and professionally - body, mind, heart, soul, and spirit.  That is the foundation of our work here at Visionistas By Design.

Episode #9: Designing and Delivering the Life of Your Dreams - Mind, Body, Heart, Soul, and Spirit: 

Introducing!!! Our Self-Love 101 Master Course: The Self-Love 101 Master Course emPOWERs you to enhance your love - for yourself and with others. It helps you feel good! It helps you do the inner work, increase your self-awareness, increase your confidence, and embrace your unique, authentic self while you are Designing and Delivering the Life + Love + Biz of Your Dreams - Body, Mind, Heart, Soul, and Spirit! 


We have previously used this course in our coaching programs and workshops. We are so excited to announce that it is NOW available to you as a self-directed program!!


It’s a parallel process: loving yourself and deepening your capacity for authentic love with others!


The three main measurable goals in the Self-Love 101 Master Course: 

decrease your stress, 

increase your confidence, and 

increase your joy! 


We help you assess your progress and your growth. So that you can raise your score on self-love and authenticity!


Use the code LOVE1111 to get my Self-Love 101 Master Course for $11.11!!! And here is the direct link to purchase it at the special offer price:


Buy it NOW!! This special offer expires at 11:59pm ET on Wednesday, September 13, 2023. 


Embark - or continue - on your personal self-love journey!!!

I am SOOOO excited to share this love! The best things in life have been shared with me. PLEASE share this episode and this LOVE with someone that you love! 

Share the love, spread the power!



Let’s Connect!

Join Dream Vibe Tribe: a Spiritual emPOWERment Circle of Women Manifesting Balance and Success in LiFE+LoVE+BiZ!!  For high vibe, heart-driven, passionate women who recognize the POWER of cultivating connection, tuning in, showing up with authenticity, investing in excellence, and aligning our energy with our values, mission, and vision.  Beautiful Souls, Let's FLY!!!!! 


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