I am excited to bring you the Story Behind the EmPOWERed BIZ Series and Program – Coaching Women to Level UP! and Make More Money! The emPOWERed BIZ Podcast Series includes short, efficient, powerful episodes packed with information and lessons to Level UP! in your biz! As a psychologist, I help people reduce stress and welcome balance, peace, and joy. I am applying those psychological concepts and strategies to help you accomplish your professional goals – level up and make more money!!
In this episode, I discuss 3 components that brought emPOWERed BIZ to life!! This program is designed to help you remove energetic blocks and manifest the success you have always dreamed of!
#109 | Season 5, Ep. 10
Episode 109 The Story Behind emPOWERed BIZ, Ep.109 Notes - Links and References:
The emPOWERed BIZ Series includes short, efficient, powerful episodes packed with information and lessons to Level UP! in your biz! We are applying...
Our Empowerment Card Message: “Today is the Opportunity to Build the Tomorrow You Want!” What are YOU going to do TODAY to grab this opportunity (RIGHT NOW) and move closer to building the tomorrow of your DREAMS?
In this episode I draw our monthly empowerment card. I share my reaction to the card and invite you to make meaning for your life!
Share the LOVE; spread the POWER!! Share the episode with someone you love and subscribe to the podcast so that you don’t miss a thing!
#87 | Season 4, Ep. 10
Download the FUN Love! Formula design guide here (it’s FREE!): https://www.drlyz.com/fun-love
Stay connected with me by getting on my email list and download the FREE design guide, our signature formula, Dream, Design, Deliver: https://www.drlyz.com/DDD
Let’s Connect!
Tik Tok: https://www.tiktok.com/@dr_lyz?_t=8UdeeuVpSYd&_r=1
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Juni Bucher joins me on this episode - packed full of tools, tips, and strategies that empower you to feel good in your skin right now! Juni shares her perspective on the power of making intentional effort to “support ourselves with whole food nutrition, mindfulness and a lot of self-love so that we can achieve incredible joy!” Juni shares her experiences with Hashimoto’s Disease and surviving breast cancer to highlight the purpose and passion behind her mission to help women and men feel lovingly connected to their bodies and have the energy to pursue their dreams.”
Empowered By Design Podcast with Dr. Lyz: Psychology, Love and Relationships, Mental Health and Wellness, Mindset, Self-care, Self-reflection and Personal Growth
Dr. Lyz: Licensed Psychologist; Love + Relationship Specialist; Wellness Entrepreneur
Subscribe to my email list to stay connected:
What does Angel Number 808 mean for you?? Join me to hear the message and reflect upon its potential meaning in your life. In this episode I also draw a surprise Empowerment Card for our monthly dose of empowerment in FUN February! I share my reaction and invite you to reflect upon your thoughts, associations as you apply the empowering messages to your life.
Empowered By Design Podcast with Dr. Lyz: Psychology, Mental Health and Wellness, Love and Relationships, Mindset, Self-care, Self-reflection and Personal Growth
Dr. Lyz: Licensed Psychologist, Wellness Entrepreneur, Life & Love Coach
Subscribe to my email list to stay connected:
Follow Dr. Lyz on Social Media:
Instagram https://www.instagram.com/dr_lyz/
Facebook https://www.facebook.com/DrLyzPhD
I’m so excited to share this conversation with my friend, my hair stylist, and the Owner of Six Ten Hair Studio, Ashley Thomas!! In this episode, Ashley shares her tips and spills the secrets that have propelled her business from a solo enterprise to an empowering empire!! Ashley is an amazing leader of her team and models the importance of prioritizing balance, encouraging communication and collaboration, aligning actions with her team’s core values, and celebrating success! She embodies the philosophy of integrity - doing what’s right rather than what is easy. Ashley’s mission is to share her creative passion and vision with others - her team and their guests - to empower success, beauty, connection, and FUN!!
Six Ten Hair Studio Website: https://www.sixtenhairstudio.com/
Empowered By Design Podcast with Dr. Lyz: Psychology, Mental Health and Wellness, Love and Relationships, Mindset, Self-care, Self-reflection and Personal...
Thank you for helping me celebrate the first birthday of the Empowered By Design Podcast! (I couldn’t have done it without you!!). It is fun and powerful to Reflect; to Pause and appreciate the now; and to Envision the future - and we do that together! We use our signature formula - Dream Design Deliver in celebrating this podcast and looking ahead to the future with intentional vision. We discuss and Celebrate Dreams Come True in 2022 - ours at Visionistas By Design - and yours!! And I reveal your favorite episodes (and mine!).
Empowered By Design Podcast with Dr. Lyz: Psychology, Mental Health and Wellness, Love and Relationships, Mindset, Self-care, Self-reflection and Personal Growth
Dr. Lyz: Licensed Psychologist, Wellness Entrepreneur, Life & Love Coach
Subscribe to my email list to stay connected:
Follow Dr. Lyz on Social Media:
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